A trail of lights travelling through the sky was spotted from Minehead last night, and thought by some residents to be UFOs.
But it turned out the lights were actually satellites being sent into orbit as part of Elon Musk's Starlink programme.

Starlink aims to provide high speed internet anywhere on the globe via a network of satellites. These satellites are launched in so-called 'trains', whereby 50 to 60 are sent up at once, creating streaks of visible light against the night sky.
Minehead resident Marist Durham captured images and videos of the satellites, known as a train. In the video he can be heard speculating about the nature of the lights.
Marist Durham captures the starlink satellite train on video
In a Facebook group for Minehead residents, one member wrote "they're definitely up there, but they ain't ever visiting. The state of this world is laughable."
Another suggested the lights were "Harry Kane's penalty coming in to land." Others correctly identified the aerial phenomena as a train of Starlink satellites.
The confusion was cleared up when Marist returned to update his original post. He added: "Bit of an update guys, sadly not the green people."
Residents continue to unclear as to the actual location of Harry Kane's penalty ball.