A PRESTIGIOUS Green Flag has been awarded again to Minehead’s Blenheim Gardens in recognition of it being an ‘excellent and well-maintained and vibrant public green space’. 

It is the fourth year in a row the award has been made to the Edwardian gardens, which was recently plagued by anti-social behaviour issues as rough sleepers camped in the bushes for a fortnight.

The six acres of gardens, which will be 100 years old next year, are owned and maintained by Somerset Council, but this year Minehead Town Council stepped in to finance the Green Flag entry and summer floral displays.

Town councillors wanted to ensure the park's continued recognition as Somerset Council looked to offset costs amid its financial emergency.

The Green Flag Award scheme is managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy and sets the benchmark standard for management of green spaces across the UK.

Minehead Mayor Cllr Craig Palmer said: “We are thrilled that Blenheim Gardens has retained its Green Flag status.

“This achievement would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of all our volunteers and the amenities staff of both Somerset Council and Minehead Town Council.

“Their dedication ensures that our gardens continue to look their best and remain a source of pride for our community.”

Cllr Palmer said the town council’s commitment to financing both the Green Flag entry and the floral displays through the summer months demonstrated councillors’ dedication to preserving a highly-valued community asset providing a balance of colour and tranquillity for residents and visitors alike.