MP Ian Liddell-Grainger has called on the Environment Agency to start a comprehensive clean-up of Exmoor rivers following months of exceptional rainfall.

Mr Liddell-Grainger said leaving river beds littered with trees and other debris washed out by floodwaters could store up problems for next winter.

He cited the River Exe, in Exford, where locals fear stones accumulating upstream of the village centre bridge could soon impede flows when water levels are high.

Mr Liddell-Grainger said the course of every Exmoor river should be checked and cleared in the window provided by the summer months.

He said: “I am writing to the agency requesting a start on the problem at Exford as soon as possible but I know from reports reaching me, there are other similar issues at locations across the national park.

“The nature of Exmoor rivers is such that they are prone to rising rapidly whenever there is heavy rain, so, as we move into an era where rainfall is becoming heavier and more localised, it is vital every effort is made to keep water courses clear and running well.

“History can provide us with far too many examples of what happens when trees, branches, and other debris are left uncleared.

“The material acts as a temporary dam and when that gives way the force of the released water can cause significant structural damage to bridges and river defences.

“Investing in a clearance programme now could save us from massively costly damage when the storms return, as they undoubtedly will.”