NEW MP Rachel Gilmour has condemned proposed water bill rises at the same time as increasing sewage spills and executive bonuses as ‘insulting’.

Mrs Gilmour, who represents West Somerset and parishes in the Culm Valley and around Wellington, called on industry regulator Ofwat to ‘rethink water bill rises’.

She said: “Sewage spills in the Exe, Barle, and Culm have tripled in 12 months.

“I have been very clear during my campaign that the increase in storm overflows and sewage spills has been an unacceptable blight on our beaches and in our rivers.

“To propose a water bill hike in the middle of a cost of living crisis and all while water firms continue to pump raw sewage as if it is normal, is not acceptable.

“The water companies should not be allowed to get away with this.

“Communities like ours voted to take tough action on these polluting and profiteering firms.

“The regulator and Government must listen.”

Mrs Gilmour is backing the Liberal Democrats’ first Parliamentary motion urging Ofwat to reconsider proposed water bill rises such as the 13 per cent proposed by South West Water.

The motion can be presented now that the King has re-opened Parliament this week.

Liberal Democrats want Ofwat to be abolished and a new water regulator established with greater powers.

They want Ofwat to use existing powers to crack down on large water bill rises, and want the Labour Government to impose a ban on water company executive bonuses until sewage discharges end and leaks are fixed.