LORD Darzi’s report into the state of the NHS should be a wake-up call for the Government to rescue West Somerset’s health services, MP Rachel Gilmour said this week.

The report said the NHS was in a ‘critical condition’ and since 2015 had missed every target for A&E, cancer, and hospital treatment wait times.

Mrs Gilmour, who represents the Tiverton and Minehead constituency, said the new Government must urgently invest in local health services, with accessing care being the biggest challenge facing constituents.

She said: “Sadly, Lord Darzi’s assessment of the state of our NHS comes as no surprise to me and to many of my constituents in Tiverton and Minehead.

“After 14 years of cuts, lack of investment, and complete derision for NHS staff and patients, this is a very sorry state of affairs.

“The lack of GPs, particularly in Minehead, hospital waiting, and GP appointment delays, the lack of social care for our elderly and most vulnerable in our communities, and an almost complete lack of support for those with mental health problems, has become the depressing norm.

“I support the Darzi Report and the changes it calls upon the Government to make, in terms of funding, recruitment, and retaining local hospitals such as Minehead and Williton.

“I will be working with my fellow MPs to ensure that these changes happen.

“This is not going to be an easy task. There is no quick fix.

“However, there is reason for hope.

“There is a depth of clinical talent in our NHS.

“There is a determination throughout the NHS to make things better and to work for improvements.

“Most of all, we can be proud that, although the NHS has taken a beating from the Conservatives, it is not dead.

“We still have a service that is free at the point of need and available to all.”

Liberal Democrats have called on the Government in the wake of the report to make fixing the NHS and care its top priority and to recruit more GPs, fix crumbling hospitals, and enter cross-party talks on tackling the social care crisis.