Nine-year-old Minehead First student Darcey Curran has become the youngest person to conquer the Exmoor Perambulation - completing the thirty mile trek in 12 hours and 35 minutes.

The youngster's incredible endurance feat has helped to raise hundreds of pounds for charity, with over £700 and counting headed for the Exmoor Search and Rescue Team.

Darcey embarked on the hike side by side with her mother and father, and her efforts have won won applause and support from friends, family and from across social media.

Mark Curran, Darcey's father said: "The first half we did in about five and a half hours which was pretty quick going. The second half was more of a slog because it was on the tarmac and very very hot. It took 12 hours and 35 minutes, and at the moment we have raised over £700."

Mark is involved with a number of activities put on by Channel Events, which take place off the coast of Minehead. Exmoor Search and Rescue play a vita role in ensuring these events remain safe, and he wanted to give back to the voluntary rescue group. He said:

"I have helped out with Channel Events for the east six years as a marshall. At lots of the events the Exmoor Search and Rescue come along to be the safety back-up, particularly with the perambulation because it is so vast and the ground is so rugged. It was my suggestion really, in previous years Darcey has been a marshall with me and we have interacted with them."

The fundraising has been boosted by strangers on social media chipping in to Darcey's Gofundme page. Mark said: "I've put it on Facebook, Darcey requested a couple of weeks back that she did a video so we posted that and if you look at the likes and shares and things like that it has been people from all over the place."

"I have randomly had one person donate £50, that's the best donation from a random stranger. There have been lots and lots of comments praising the amazing effort and saying we as parents must be so proud, which we are."

The entire walk, which took more than 12 hours, was completed in one day, with the trio setting off at 6am before braving intense heat and rugged terrain to see the mission through to the end. Mark explained: "We started at 6am dead on, and we got to the halfway marker where there was tea and coffee and we had a quick rest. Darcey had an ice cream which was nice, and having had a bit of a refresh we carried on, and got to the end at 6.45pm."

A 30-mile walk is an impressive feat for any person, let alone a nine-year-old, and though Darcey began to flag on the second leg, she completed the stretch without needing to be carried or by any other assisted means. Mark said:

"She found the second half very very tiring but with mum chatting to her and keeping her motivated we kept on going. Darcey was carrying a pack with a water tube, a first aid kit - which I always insist on - so she carried it most of the way, but we didn't have to carry her, she walked the whole way on her own.

"The temperature was roasting, by the time we got to the half way mark the sun was out fully. When you're on the road with very little shade that was very much the hardest part.

"Darcey is over the moon, she has been up in the assembly at the Minehead First School where she's at, and I know some of the teachers are chipping in - at least three of them did the perambulation themselves. Everybody is amazed that a nine-year-old has managed to do it."

Mark had a message for everyone who had leant their support to Darcey: "Thank you very much to everybody for contributing and for all the support, for the enthusiasm and for all the cheering, be it on Facebook or literally at the event."

If you would like to support the Exmoor Search and Rescue you can do so via Darcey's Gofundme page.