THE first stage of a planned refurbishment of the village hall in Bicknoller has been completed with a new kitchen which includes a commercial dish-washer, cooker, food warmer, plate warmer, and bain marie.

The project took a long time to get going because grants which had been available prior to the Covid pandemic were subsequently withdrawn.

The grants would have covered everything that was needed, but instead the village hall committee had to find other ways to move forward.

Fund-raising events were less successful than hoped as people were slow to socialise again after the long periods of lockdown.

A plea to parishioners to contribute towards the kitchen helped to boost funds and now the kitchen is ready for use by hirers of the hall.

A new kitchen has been installed at Bicknoller Village Hall.

An official opening will be held on April 28 when anybody can view the kitchen and see the plans for the next stage of the refurbishment while enjoying ‘a cuppa and some cake’.

Bicknoller Hall also has stage which is in urgent need of attention with new curtains and lighting estimated to cost about £7,000.

The committee is preparing for a busy time ahead raising further funds for the improvements through events and possibly another plea to parishioners who may not yet have made a donation.

It is already searching for any available grants for the project.

Once the money has been found for the curtains and lighting, the whole of the hall will be redecorated.

The committee plans for the old kitchen to become a coffee/tea bar suitable for hirers who are not preparing or serving food.

A spokeswoman said: “The village hall committee really appreciate the contributions made by the community in both time and money and hope that it will not be too long before the whole refurbishment project will be completed.”