NOMINATIONS open today (Friday) for the third set of parish council elections to be called in Porlock in under 12 months.

All 12 councillors who were elected in May, 2022, later resigned at various times before the end of the year, and five new ones were appointed in November. The council’s clerk also quit last summer.

Now, a fresh round of elections has been scheduled for February 23 to fill the seven vacancies which remain.

The five new councillors elected Cllr Duncan McCanlis as their chairman, and Cllr Lesley Thornton stepped forward as a voluntary clerk while the council looks to appoint a permanent member of staff.

Cllr McCanlis said: “We need a bigger team and I encourage members of the Porlock community to stand for election.

“It is an opportunity to join a small group of committed people and be part of a rewarding undertaking as an unpaid public servant.

“While there is much to be excited about in what we can achieve, and what to leave well alone, anybody who joins should be ready to commit their time and expertise.

“The minimum commitment is to attend monthly council meetings in the evening of the second Wednesday, and join a committee or working group at variable times but generally not monthly.

“That comes to around 10 hours a month and includes the time you would need to prepare for meetings.”

Cllr Thornton said: “It is our hope that more than seven people will apply so there will be a contested election.

“However, if seven or fewer apply, they will be elected unopposed and any remaining vacancies can then be co-opted.

“Over the last two months the small team of five councillors, with their financial officer, have corrected many compliance matters, are working on further improvements, becoming more transparent, and making public meetings more open and engaging for the public.

“The council needs to increase this team to the full 12 councillors and recruit a new clerk to take the council forward in a positive way, with all councillors having the opportunity to make a significant difference to this extraordinary village.”

Signed election nomination papers must be delivered to Somerset West and Taunton Council’s (SWT) offices in Williton by 4 pm next Friday.

The paperwork and guidance can be obtained by emailing the parish council at [email protected] or from the SWT offices in Killick Way, Williton.