A SCHEME developed by the RSPB has now been launched in West Somerset to improve patients’ “connection with nature” as part of their treatment plans.

The RSPB scheme works with health and wellbeing coaches, from West Somerset Primary Care Network and staff from Exmoor National Park, to prescribe connection with nature as a free to access, non-medical part of a patient’s treatment plan.

The scheme, entitled RSPB Nature Prescriptions, builds on the growing knowledge that contact and engagement with nature can have real and significant benefits to people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.

It takes the form of a yearly calendar with a range of simple activities that encourage people to connect with nature.

These activities may be as simple as opening a window and listening to the sound of the wind, taking notice of the beauty of the plants in your street, or visiting local sites to explore and enjoy.

Each of the activities are designed to build confidence and nature connection gently over time, to help boost health, happiness and wellbeing.

Terry Bruce, one of the health coaches who is using the calendars with their patients, said: “Nature Prescriptions support people to take positive, achievable steps to improve their own health, at the same time as appreciating the amazing natural beauty we have all around us in West Somerset.”

The Nature Prescription calendars are only available through GP surgeries as part of receiving support from a Health and Wellbeing Coach.