WILLITON residents have been warned to “grit their teeth and wait for the mayhem” when 90 new homes are built on land adjoining the Aller Mead estate on Doniford Road.
Cllr Ian Aldridge told West Somerset Council’s planning committee on Thursday (February 7) that he feared the development – the first of three schemes go provide a total of more than 400 houses – would cause serious problems in the village.
Despite his concerns, the committee approved outline proposals put forward by landowners Wyndham Estate for 90 detached and semi-detached houses and bungalows on four hectares of land next to Aller Mead on Doniford Road.
A reserved matters application, including the layout and mix of properties, will be considered by the committee at a future meeting.
Cllr Aldridge, who represents Williton on the council, said the impact of extra traffic was of great concern, particularly as it would pass the primary school.
“Where are the jobs for the people who will live in these houses? Where are the extra school places which will be needed?” he asked.
“Where are all these extra people going to get their medical services etc, etc?”
He said that at some point Williton’s traffic problems would have to be seriously tackled, and pointed out that land which could be used for a bypass had been allocated for housing.
But he added: “This development is on the Local Plan and we are stuck with it. I don’t think we’ve got any option but to approve it.
“The Local Plan sets out areas of land for housing but is silent about all that goes with it.”
Buy today’s Free Press for the full report.