The local service for the World Day of Prayer is being held at St Michael the Archangel Church in Alcombe on Friday 3rd March at 2pm and everyone is welcome to attend. 

 The World Day of Prayer is an international, global and ecumenical organisation that seeks to lead people through informed prayer and prayerful action. Each year the organisation focuses on a different country in our needy world and in 2023 we are praying for Taiwan.  

 Taiwan is south east of mainland China and is the second-most densely populated country in the world.  It is ethically, culturally and socially diverse.  

This beautiful island is known for its rich natural resources and has a worldwide reputation as the ‘Kingdom of Orchids’.  China continues to claim sovereignty over Taiwan but this is rejected by the Taiwanese and political tensions remain.  The people of Taiwan are very much in need of our prayers at this time. 

The service has been written by Christian women in Taiwan and includes letters of encouragement for women who face suffering and injustice.  These stories of faith focus on issues that are shared by women and girls around the world and that continue to challenge us to prayerful action.