PLANS have been put forward for a new RBL target shooting clubhouse and indoor firing range in Williton.
The nearly two-acre site is accessed by a small lane off Bridge Street and contains an old clubhouse in a dilapidated state and an outdoor shooting range which was constructed ‘a few years ago’.
Planning agent Christopher Mitchell, of Mitchell Architects, said the club wanted to replace the old clubhouse with a new single-storey building containing an indoor range which would occupy about half of the site.
Mr Mitchell said: “The old clubhouse is currently a meeting and preparation area for prior to shooting.
“The old building is showing its age and in need of substantial repair or replacement.

“The proposed new clubhouse would replace the existing facility in an up to date building, but also create more space to meet current needs of the club and potential needs of the proposed indoor range.
“The building with an indoor range will double the capabilities of the site and therefore require enlarged support facilities.”
Mr Mitchell said the club would keep the existing outdoor shooting range building but the old clubhouse would be demolished to make way for the new one.
Car parking would be about the same and most of the access lane was owned by the club with others having access rights over only a small section close to the main road.
Mr Mitchell said: “Because of the nature of the building, it will have high security doors and minimal windows.
“The new building will enhance the activities that can be provided by the club, extending the range of shooting and training it can offer.
“It is a well-respected club looking to grow and this building will allow that to happen.
“The site is large enough and suitable for the type of building proposed and will have minimal impact on any adjoining properties which are well screened from the site.”
Somerset Council wants to hear any public comments on the application by August 2 and has set itself a deadline to make a decision on it by September 2.