TOWN councillors have decided to delay a £6,500 refresh of Minehead Community Centre so the money can be spent on other projects.

The Irnham Road building will reach its fifth anniversary in May and has experienced consistent, near-daily usage since its opening.

Town clerk Ben Parker said: “As a result, the internal walls have sustained general wear and tear typical of a well-utilised public building.

“The centre requires internal redecoration to maintain its welcoming atmosphere and professional appearance.

“Given the building’s age, the scope of work will primarily focus on extensive repainting.”

Mr Parker said the project would preserve a ‘fresh and welcoming environment’ for its diverse user groups and maintain a professional presentation.

He said a more hard-wearing paint was proposed throughout the building to enhance durability and simplify future maintenance.

Mr Parker said Minehead Football Club as one of the main users of the centre had been asked to help meet the redecorating costs, although the obligation for maintenance rested with the council.

He said money for the work had been allocated in the current financial year’s budget, which was set until March 31, so it would need to be carried out soon.

The work affecting communal areas would take about two days with some disruption for users inevitable.

Councillors recognised importance of the community centre as a valued asset for the town and their responsibility to maintain it.

But they expressed concern that the authority currently had a large number of other projects underway and by comparison the community centre work was not ‘essential’.

They agreed to defer the work for several months and instead set aside money in the new financial year for it to be carried out.

Councillors also agreed the long-term upkeep of the community centre should be achieved through collaboration with other users.