VOLUNTEERS who took over the village shop and Post Office in Stogumber to continue an enterprise which has served the local area for more than a century have proven they are no fools.

They began running the business on April 1 last year after previous owners Roger and Anne Howe retired and were unable to sell.

But despite the April Fools Day launch date, the group showed they knew what they were doing and successfully ran the business and turned a small profit.

Now, a celebratory cake and tea gathering has been held in Stogumber Village Hall to mark the first anniversary of the community enterprise.

A rota of more than 50 volunteers working shifts is overseen by a steering committee led by villager Lance Moir, who drew on his 35 years’ experience as a financial director for a number of large companies.

The group’s marketing lead Paula Clements said: “The shop has brought many volunteers into the village more often.

“Friendships have been made and plenty of us have learned new skills.

“We are all proud that we have made a success of this first year of running Stogumber shop. 

“The shop is open every morning from 8 am and weekday evenings from 5 pm to 7 pm and is really busy.

“Stogumber Shop and Post Office is run by the community for the community. 

“There has been a shop in this same building for over 100 years, in fact, it has been serving the Stogumber area since 1906.”