LOCAL couple Lisa French and Tim King have seen business boom for the 18th century White Horse Inn, Stogumber, after taking on the public house following a short closure for refurbishment work.

One villager told the Free Press: “They are both popular people who both get involved in village events.”

Although she had previously worked front of house in several pubs in the area, Lisa had never run her own before, while photographer partner Tim has come out of retirement after 10 years to join her.

Lisa said: “We could both see the potential of The White Horse as a vibrant village pub as it deserves to be.

“Our main aim is to have a pub that the village can be proud of and that every customer receives a warm welcome and great food and beer. 

Villagers attending the reopening of the White Horse Inn, Stogumber.
Villagers attending the reopening of the White Horse Inn, Stogumber. PHOTO: George Ody. ( )

“As a free house, we will be able to source local ales, initially serving both Quantock and Exmoor Ales along with a regular guest ale.”

The grade two pub was closed for a few weeks between tenancies while owner John Trebilcock organised extensive cleaning and some ‘tender loving care’ to bring it back to life again.

Lesley Davies, formerly of the Bicknoller Inn, is heading up the kitchen and working alongside her is Lorraine Tribe, who is known locally for her steak and kidney pudding, which will be making a return to the White Horse menu.

Lisa said: “We also look forward to serving up a delicious Sunday lunch and homemade puddings.”