THERE was a full house for the first ‘geology and wine’ evening held by Watchet-based ecological and geological consultancy Geckoella Ltd.

The event was hosted at East Quay by Geckoella technical director and principal geologist Dr Andy King, who wore a ‘Wineosaur’ T-shirt and entertained guests with witty and fascinating geo-vino factoids

Guests enjoying a geology and wine evening in Watchet hosted by Dr Andy King, of Geckoella.
Guests enjoying a geology and wine evening in Watchet hosted by Dr Andy King, of Geckoella. ( )

Mr King presented slides of the regions from which the wines originated which guests were quaffing, together with colourful geology maps showing schists, soils, and marls which became increasingly difficult to pronounce as the evening wore on.

Guests sampled four wines, two New World whites and two Old World reds, and were divided as to which was their favourite, with some confusion over ‘minerality’ and ‘terroirs’.

The evening was an opportunity to ‘reflect upon the millennia of geological time’ through the medium of a glass of wine.

Thanks were given for the waitressing and to the East Quay staff.