A Taunton doctor who was found to have added his semen to his patient's drinks has avoided prison after a judge handed down a community order.

Former GP Nicholas Chapman, 55, was found guilty of attempting to engage in sexual activity without consent after being accused of adding his semen to a number of hot drinks he served to a woman in 2021.

Mr Chapman had pled not guilty, but on Thursday June 15 a jury at Gloucester Crown Court found him guilty of one count and acquitted him of a second charge.

Judge Rupert Lowe, sentencing, said: "Mr Chapman, you are an intelligent professional of previous good character with good references. However, people did not know what you did in private.

“Your defence at trial was absurd and unnecessary. Your claims were implausible and contradictory.

“You told the police a ridiculous story of having semen on your hand and admitted to masturbating at work.

“You then shifted your story about testing for a medical condition.

“The truth is, you masturbated at work as you had a high sex drive. The impact on your career and personal life has been considerable. You have brought that on yourself.”

The judge sentenced Mr Chapman to a 12 month community order, requiring him to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work. In addition Mr Chapman will be subject to a 10-year restraining order which will prohibit him from contacting the victim and must pay court fees of £3500.

The female victim, who retains her anonymity, said: “I feel betrayed by him, by his actions. He has made me feel powerless. The devious and cowardly nature has shocked me. If this was a physical attack I may have at least had a chance to defend myself. I’ve had to be open about this to my partner and family, but I often feel alone and that no one quite understands.

“I hope in the future I am able to put this all behind me and move on with my life. Though I have to accept that the mental and emotional trauma I have suffered throughout this will always remain with me in some way.”

Detective Sergeant Rachel Walls, an officer on the investigation team said: “This has been a long process for the victim. Despite the negative effect of the offence on her wellbeing she has bravely supported our investigation throughout. I hope that the sentence imposed by the court today will help her start to recover.”

Gemma Kneebone, Senior Crown Prosecutor for the CPS South West Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit, said: “Nicholas Chapman was convicted of an unusual and vulgar offence against a person he knew.

“By putting his semen into a cup of coffee in the hope that someone he had targeted would drink it, he betrayed a common gesture of kindness for his own sexual gratification. His actions have had a far reaching and profound impact on others.”