CUSTOMERS in a West Somerset supermarket are being encouraged to check for early signs of cancer while doing their weekly shop.

Tesco’s store in Minehead is partnering with the charity Cancer Research UK to help save lives by spotting symptoms early.

Its pharmacists will provide information and support about cancer while people shop in the supermarket.

The retailer and the charity are working together to prompt customers who have spotted something about their body that does not look or feel right, or that is not going away, to talk with one the supermarket’s in-store pharmacists about what to do next.

The campaign aims to raise awareness in Minehead of possible symptoms of cancer, break down barriers people may face in speaking to healthcare professionals, and help customers feel more confident when communicating with their doctor.

Tesco head of pharmacy Paul Pilkington said: “With pharmacists set to play an increasingly bigger role in people’s access to healthcare, this campaign gives Tesco pharmacists an opportunity to put specialist training provided by Cancer Research UK into action with customers in Minehead only needing to take a few minutes out of their weekly shop.

“Often, many of us will put off seeking advice on something that is worrying us because we are too busy, cannot get a GP appointment at a convenient time, or simply do not want to be seen as somebody who makes a fuss.

“Being able to have a conversation with one of our pharmacists about a worrying symptom could help lead to a much quicker cancer diagnosis and the likelihood of a successful outcome.”

The charity has provided specialist training to Tesco’s pharmacists in Minehead and other Somerset stores to support conversations with the public about possible cancer symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis.

By offering people a convenient setting to check-in about their health, the campaign aims to help people feel more comfortable discussing possible signs and symptoms and encourage them to seek further medical advice where necessary.

A survey last year by Cancer Research UK showed about half of people experiencing possible symptoms of cancer did not contact their GP within six months.

Cancer Research UK chief executive Michelle Mitchell said: “The earlier people are diagnosed, the better their chance of survival.

“That is why it is so important that we are joining forces with Tesco to make it easier for people to get help if they notice something that is unusual for them.

“Tesco pharmacists are here to provide expert health information and support in a comfortable and convenient setting for customers.

“We are excited by the opportunity this gives to speed up diagnosis and save lives.”

Cancer Research UK said about nine in 10 people with bowel cancer, one of the most common cancers, survive their disease for five years or more if diagnosed at the earliest stage.

Customers can have a confidential chat in a pharmacy consultation room as they do their weekly shop, or they can book an appointment by visiting