AN Exmoor village is setting up a volunteer group to help maintain the churchyard of its 15th century parish church.

The group will work monthly in the grounds of St Petrock’s Church, Timberscombe, on the first Saturday morning.

Churchwarden Jenny Gratton appealed for anybody who liked gardening to go along to help ‘make the best of this wonderful asset in the community’.

Mrs Gratton said sessions would run from 10am to 12pm and even if people could only spare half-an-hour, it would be welcomed.

She said: “We would love some help in the churchyard to weed the roses, sweep and weed the paths, and strip the ivy off some of the gravestones.

“If you can spare the time to help, please come along, bringing any gardening tools you may have, plus gardening gloves, and we shall be most pleased and grateful to see you.

“All help is appreciated.”