VISITORS to West Somerset’s Tropiquaria Zoo are being given an opportunity to compare the meerkats.

A pair of baby meerkats were born in the Washford Cross zoo less than a month ago but are already out and about in their enclosure.

Delighted families who have been visiting the zoo this week have also been able to see a baby otter which was born recently.

Tropiquaria director Chris Moiser said the meerkat kits were ‘up and about most of the day’.

The zoo holds daily meerkat talks at 3 pm which provide the best opportunity for visitors to see the meerkittens and learn all about the lives of the cute animals.

As well as selling car insurance, meerkats are known for being social and intelligent creatures which live in large families in desert burrows.

They are members of the mongoose family and about the size of a squirrel and will eat almost anything.

Tropiquaria runs a number of conservation projects and sometimes takes in rescue animals but does not receive any Government funding and relies entirely on visitor income and sponsorships to operate.