MORE than 20 volunteers joined a Plastic Free Exmoor-led community clear up and litter pick in Dunster at the weekend.

The volunteers who supported the spring clean event included many residents of the village and they worked on roads, footpaths, and car parks in Dunster, as well as a stretch of the A39 toward Minehead.

It was part of a Surfers Against Sewage ‘Million Mile Clean’ campaign and Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Great British Spring Clean’.

Nine sacks of litter had been collected by the end of the morning with items found including a lamp, a cast iron saucepan, crockery, a car number plate, and two nitrous oxide cannisters.

Volunteers sorted the collected rubbish to identify the most littered brands, which were McDonald’s (37 items), Coca-Cola (16), Walkers crisps (14), Monsta drinks (13), Thatcher’s cider (11), Cadbury’s (11), and Costa (10).

As much as possible of the litter collected was recycled, with the rest being collected by idverdeUK.

Plastic Free Exmoor community lead Peter Hoyland said” “I would like to thank everybody who came along to help with the clean-up.

“Although it is always shocking to see how much litter there is, it was wonderful that so many people came out to help clear up the village and the surrounding roads.

“We would like to thank idverde UK for their help in removing the litter that was collected, Exmoor National Park for allowing us to host the event at the National Park Centre, in Dunster, and all our community allies who either came along on the day or supported us by promoting the event.”

Plastic Free Minehead will be leading a beach and town spring clean on Saturday, March 29, when anybody who wants to take part should meet the organisers outside the town’s Beach Hotel at 10.30 am.