A GEOLOGY and wine evening is being held in Watchet on Thursday (June 20) by Geckoella Ltd technical director and principal geologist Dr Andy King.

It is the first time the Watchet-based independent ecological and geological consultancy has put on such an event.

Dr King is inviting people to ‘reflect upon the millennia of geological time’ through the medium of a glass of wine.

He said: “Expect a fun, interactive, informal, and informative evening combining fascinating factoids about geology, soils, wines, and grape varieties with a carefully chosen selection of geologically-themed fine old world reds and new world whites.

“These will be accompanied, of course, with delicious snacks from the East Quay Kitchen.

“It is definitely an evening not to be missed for anybody interested in geology, wine, and the scientific sampling of food and drink, mixed with some great conversation.”

Places for the geology and wine evening, which starts at 7 pm in the East Quay Kitchen, should be booked online here.