NINE months of disruption for residents of Timberscombe is on schedule to end in September when Wessex Water completes the £850,000 replacement of the village’s water mains network.

The project started in January with a rolling programme of road closures as the company upgraded the system with plastic pipes.

Wessex Water said the project was necessary because the old pipes had suffered a significant number of bursts, causing inconvenience and disruption to customers.

A spokesperson confirmed this week work had ‘progressed well and is on track to be completed in mid-September’.

The spokesperson told the Free Press: “Our team have been working closely with customers and local businesses, including starting later and finishing earlier on some days to accommodate their needs, which means the current phase, including Great House Street, will be completed by Friday, August 16.

“We have drafted in additional team members to help complete this work and get started on the final element, a four-week closure on Orchard Way, with access maintained for residents and businesses, that is scheduled to finish on September 9.

“As we have throughout the project, we have written to customers and businesses in the village about the final closure and to thank them for their patience and co-operation while we complete this essential project.’’

However, more disruption is on the way next year when the company will be working on the A396 road to the north of Timberscombe.

Wessex Water said it would consult with the parish council and villagers nearer the time.