WEST Somerset College headteacher Zoe Stucki has renewed a drive to increase pupil attendance numbers.

Ms Stucki said she was proud of the progress made at the college, in Minehead, and thanked everybody for their efforts during the past half-term.

But she said: “As a school we are still below the national average and the average for Somerset.

“So, we will continue this work throughout the summer term.”

Ms Stucki said anybody with a child who was struggling to attend school should contact an attendance team member who would be glad to meet to see how they could help.

She said families needed to be aware of new Government guidance on attendance which would come into effect in August.

Ms Stucki said there would be many changes to the laws around school attendance, such as schools no longer being able to authorise absences during term time for holidays.

She also pointed out that pupils arriving late could add up to ‘a considerable amount of learning being lost’.

A youngster who was just five minutes late each day lost the equivalent of three days of schooling.

Ms Stucki said they often felt embarrassed when entering their classroom late and missed settling into the day and being sociable with their friends.

She said the college would keep its registers open for up to 30 minutes, after which it became an unauthorised absence, which was something that could lead to legal action.

“This can seriously disadvantage children and disrupt the learning of others,” she said.