FOLLOWING the success of last year’s performance of the Queen and Ben Elton musical ‘We Will Rock You’, the students of West Somerset College returned to the Minehead Regal Theatre stage with their version of the Disney classic ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

The cast was led by Freddie Jephcott as the Beast, Eleanor Hecksher as Belle, and Noah Antonelli as the self-absorbed Gaston.

Freddie Jephcott playing the Beast and Eleanor Hecksher is Belle in a West Somerset College production of Beauty and the Beast.
Freddie Jephcott playing the Beast and Eleanor Hecksher is Belle in a West Somerset College production of Beauty and the Beast. ( )

All three were making their debuts on the Regal stage, not that it showed in their confident performances.

They were ably supported by Regal veterans Lily Pattison as Gaston’s wingman LeFou, Phoebe Bailey as Cogsworth, and Albert Vickery, complete with a French accent, as Lumiere, the castle maître d’.

Noah Antonelli is the self-absorbed Gaston in Beauty and the Beast by students of West Somerset College.
Noah Antonelli is the self-absorbed Gaston in Beauty and the Beast by students of West Somerset College. ( )

Playing to packed houses, the cast of young stars entertained their audiences with classics such as ‘Be Our Guest’ and, of course, the eponymous ‘Beauty and the Beast’, with Abbie Jackson as Mrs Potts delivering a performance of which Angela Lansbury would no doubt have approved.

The show was co-directed and choreographed by Sophie Bohun and Darcy Ahern, with Clem Vickery as musical director.

A scene from West Somerset College's production of Beauty and the Beast.
A scene from West Somerset College's production of Beauty and the Beast. ( )

Speaking after the show, Albert Vickery said: “This show was so much fun to do.

“On behalf of the whole cast, I want to thank Sophie, Darcy, and Mr Vickery for the time - their own time - and effort that they have put in helping us look good and take all the credit.

Students from the West Somerset College performing in Beauty and the Beast.
Students from the West Somerset College performing in Beauty and the Beast. ( )

Some of the West Somerset College students who performed Beauty and the Beast.
Some of the West Somerset College students who performed Beauty and the Beast. ( )

Director Sophie Bohun said: “Darcy and I could not be more proud of each and every one the cast members for the effort and commitment they have shown to make this the success it was.

“They are simply a credit to college.

West Somerset College students in Beauty and the Beast.
West Somerset College students in Beauty and the Beast. ( )

The full cast was: Freddie Jephcott - The Beast , Eleanor Hecksher – Belle, Noah Antonelli – Gaston, Cogsworth - Phoebe Bailey, Lumiere - Albert Vickery, Lefou - Lily Pattison, Abbie Jackson - Mrs Potts, Lilly Fisher – Babette, Jessie Cornish – Chip, Neve Salisbury - Madam de la Grande Bouche, Carson Stevens – Maurice, Abi Ford - Beggar Woman/Enchantress, Bobby Richards - Monsieur D'Arque, Layla Dymond, Lottie Humphries, Jemima Anderson - Les Filles, Maizey Camm, Chloe Chapman-Humphries – Narrators, Immy Wood, Emily Johnson, Iola Tompson – Ensemble, Isla Browning, Courtney Hough, Mollie Meredith – Dancers/Wolves.

One of the scenes in West Somerset College's production of Beauty and the Beast.
One of the scenes in West Somerset College's production of Beauty and the Beast. ( )