THE shelves of the West Somerset Food Cupboard (WSFC) were emptied this week as volunteers packed a record number of parcels to help people experiencing food poverty in the run-up to Christmas.

More than 200 bags were prepared by the charity’s volunteers in response to requests from partner agencies, including Citizens Advice West Somerset, Home-Start West Somerset, Minehead’s Hope Centre, and the YMCA.

It represented a 60 per cent increase on the number of food parcels delivered for Christmas last year.

Volunteers at the West Somerset Food Cupboard packing food bags. PHOTO: WSFC.
Volunteers at the West Somerset Food Cupboard packing food bags. PHOTO: WSFC. ( )

The partner agencies will be distributing them to families before Christmas.

Food cupboard team leader Sara Trigg said: “We are immensely grateful to everybody who has donated both food and cash, enabling us to fulfil these requests.”

The charity’s trustees chairman Katrina Midgley said: “Our team of amazing volunteers really stepped-up to the challenge of filling so many bags.

“We could not do any of this without them.

Food items laid out waiting to be packed into parcels by West Somerset Food Cupboard volunteers. PHOTO: WSFC.
Food items laid out waiting to be packed into parcels by West Somerset Food Cupboard volunteers. PHOTO: WSFC. ( )

“We managed to clear our cupboards in the process, and so will be appreciating any donations in the coming weeks.

“For the list of most necessary items, as well as information about how to get in touch for support, visit our webpage.”

WSFC provides emergency food bags and links people in need with a relevant local agency which can help them identify and combat the causes of their food poverty.

It also runs a weekly Local Pantry which supports people with affordable food from supermarket surpluses through a £4 subscription scheme giving members access to about £25 worth of food.