ALFIE Jubb, the professional at Oake Manor Golf Club, won the big Pro Am Competition which was staged on his home course..

Alfie scored 3 under par to win his first professional competition and was tied first with Mark Luckett from Yeovil. Bradly Scott,who is also from Oake Manor, came third at 2 under par. Alfie’s superb round included 5 birdies and an eagle.

The winning team were Matthew Forknall, Harry Forknall, Dave Franks and their professional Alan Sexton from Tehidy Park in Cornwall.

On Saturday the Acorns, a group of golfers within Oake Manor Golf Club, staged had a Bowmaker Competition for the Pete Littern Trophy. Pete was a founder member of Oake Manor Golf Club but unfortunately died from Covid. More than 150 golfers played in the competition and raised over £4,000 for the Devon Air Ambulance who were involved in saving the life of one of the Acorns earlier in the year.

The winning team were Tim Gamblin, Kieran Ashton, Thomas Bordier and Tony Snellings with 92 points. In second place also with 92 points but losing on count back were Richard Clist, George Wagstaff, Ian Loader and Mark Mitchell while in third place were Garry Tillett, Jamie Dixon, Gavin Dixon and Rob Bartlett. There was a putting competition which was won by Keith Phillips, a chipping challenge won by Mark Wooliscroft, 18 spot prizes and an auction.

Ladies Captain Liz How held her Away Day at Honiton Golf Club on Tuesday when over 30 ladies enjoyed a lovely warm and sunny day out.

Suzanne Ward was the clear winner of the Barbara Cozens Trophy, scoring 36 points, Mary Beakes came second with 33 points and Bev King was third with 32 points. Pat Campbell was nearest the pin on the second hole while Jane Clist was nearest the pin on the twelfth hole and Cathy Sheppard was nearest the line on the eighteenth hole.

There was also a mystery pairs prize which was won by Alison Harman and Ladies Vice Captain Daphne Priddy.

Meanwhile back at Oake Manor there was a Stableford Competition for those ladies not attending the away day which was won by Judy McKellar with 35 points, second was Shane Bordier with 34 points and Gill Hadley came third with 31 points.


On Wednesday there was a Bowmaker Competition for the Fred Land Trophy, which consisted of teams of three, 2 scores to count. The winners were Harvey Piper, Francis Barnsley and Doug Yearsley with 87 points, Glenn Bates, Frank Gregory and John Matravers were second with 86 points while Jason Brock, William Parkman and Sam Prior were third also with 86 points.