PUPILS of Minehead Middle School have been busy working on a variety of local community projects together with residents.

One project has been the vision of science teacher Charlotte Price, who worked to regenerate the school’s old nature garden to include a vegetable patch.

Ms Price said: “I wanted the students of Minehead Middle to have a growing area that was usable by a class group across the school, that could teach them a skill that is even more imperative in our rural setting.”

While transformation of the area was completed in the summer term, the students have only recently been able to see the fruits of their labour and harvest their first crop of potatoes.

Minehead Middle School pupils have been developing a vegetable patch.
Minehead Middle School pupils have been developing a vegetable patch. ( )

Ms Price said the work was only possible due to Minehead businesses Travis Perkins and CJ Lynch, giving their expertise, time, and resources, while Poppins Community Children’s project, in Minehead, funded the necessary gardening equipment.

Year seven and eight students have been reciprocating the community spirit as they have been busy creating Christmas decorations on display in The Community Bookshop, Minehead.

Minehead Library recently played host to some year five pupils, encouraging them to visit and use the library space in their own time, and the school is planning visits for the remaining year five classes.

Local residents have also given up their time and go into the school to help students, including for a newly-formed weekly chess club, where outside expertise has been relied upon.

The club has proven to be popular and the first in-school tournament will be happening shortly.

The Haines Award, given by local churches in memory of Ruth and Frank Haines, was launched to recognise the achievements of students who give back to the local community.

Assistant head Alex Dyer said: “We are so grateful to all of those in the wider community who have supported our school this term.

“A strong community link is important anywhere, but in a rural area such as ours it is vital.

“We look forward to building on our community links into 2025 and through the remainder of this academic year.

“Together, we can achieve great things.”