THE High Sheriff of Somerset, Rob Beckley, gave a talk to the St Petrock’s History Group, in Timberscombe, wearing full regalia, including a sword.

Mr Beckley, the county’s 963rd High Sheriff, took members on a walk through the early days of shrievalty, covering from 1061 through the middle ages and up to the modern day.

The talk gave a glimpse into the upheavals and political machinations and even some of the gruesome executions of the county’s past.

Mr Beckley highlighted when it was a desirable - and profitable - to hold the sheriff’s role, through to when tenure was restricted to one year and it was less rewarding, and the modern era when it was simply an honour and a privilege to be invited.

The opportunity to encourage community action and highlight volunteering and other charitable enterprises was covered to make clear the relevance of the ancient role in society today.

Churchwarden Kate Hart said: “It was a lively and good humoured talk with plenty of audience appreciation and participation with questions afterwards.

“Our thanks to the High Sheriff for making the time to come and educate us about his role.”

The history group’s next meeting will be on September 16 at 7 pm, when Dr Adrian Young will give a presentation about Somerset on the eve of the Civil War.

More information about the history group can be found on its website here which has hundreds of historical pictures of Timberscombe and its residents and a wealth of background research.