NATURE-lovers who enjoy a flutter will have an opportunity to enter the little-known world of butterflies and moths during guided tours of a village orchard and churchyard, organised by Somerset Wildlife Trust and Carhampton Community Orchard.

A ‘Moth Watch in the Orchard’ will take place in Carhampton Community Orchard on Tuesday, August 13, from 8 pm to 10 pm.

There should be plenty to see, more than 200 species of moths have been recorded there since 2009.

The organisers invite people to ‘come and see some spectacular night-flyers’ under the guidance of moth expert James Penny.

On August 17, people can join the ‘Carhampton Butterfly Walk’ in Carhampton churchyard and nearby Sea Lane to ‘marvel at the beautiful butterflies and day-flying moths at these locations’.

Interested parties are asked to meet outside the church at 2 pm. 

For more information about both events contact Elizabeth Atkinson on 01643 821756 or email [email protected].