A FULL list of prize winners has been published for Watchet Gardening Club’s flower show, which returned to the town’s Memorial Ground for the first time in more than 35 years.

Watchet Mayor Cllr Loretta Whetlor, who presented some of the prizes, praised the organisers for their efforts.

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A recreation of St Decuman's Well featured in Watchet Gardening Club's flower show. PHOTO: Terry Walker.

Cllr Whetlor said: “I was very pleased to be invited to present prizes and delighted the show is back on the Memorial Ground.

“Long may it continue, it is a wonderful event for our community.”

The return of the show was part of a wider effort by trustees of the football and cricket pavilion to hold more events on the Memorial Ground to support a bid to restore and rebuild the pavilion.

Among the displays was a re-creation of the ancient holy well at St Decuman’s Church.

The well, now restored, is a tourist attraction with its association with the Celtic saint St Decuman (d 706), a Welsh missionary who arrived in Somerset from his home in Pembrokeshire floating on a raft made from a hurdle and accompanied by a cow.

According to legend, he was attacked by locals and decapitated, but he washed his head in the waters of the nearby well, replaced it, and was instantly healed.

Watchet Gardening Show First Prize Results:

Vegetable Section trophy winner Karen Coles

Beans: Sandie Hornby

Potato: Charles Birch

Peas: Jenny Barron

Onions: Seed of Hope

Gourds: Peter Mather

Largest Veg: Patricia Morgan (largest vegetable mini trophy)

Herb: Liz Passmore

Soft Fruit: Shirley Allnutt

Flower Section trophy winner Alan Jones

Fuchsia: Peter Mather

Rose: Jennie Jukes

Hydrangea: Cyril Prescott

Sweet Peas: Anne Tickle

Potted Plant: Charles Birch

Floral display: Mackenzie Sorensen

Bonsai: Alan Jones

Arts and Crafts trophy winner Mary Alexander

Art: C Pearman

Photography: Peter Mather

Soft Craft: Mary Alexander

Hard Craft: Anne Lovejoy

Food Produce Section trophy winner Anne Tickle (Champion Best in Show)

Victoria Sponge: Suzette Jones

Vegetable Cake: Karen Coles

Honeys & Jams: Anne Tickle

Pickles Chutneys: Anne Tickle

Children’s Section trophy winner Tilly Jukes

Art 16 and Under: Jack Jukes

Photo 16 and under: Georgina Watson

Mini Garden 16 and under: Tilly Jukes