NEW exhibitors were among those welcomed to the summer Bicknoller Flower Show, as well as the many ‘competitive’ locals.

The high standard of entries was maintained again this year and the judges worked hard to find the winning exhibits.

Judges were delighted with each section, and one class alone in the flower section saw 16 entries.

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Some of the cut flowers on view in the summer Bicknoller Flower Show.

The show attracted nearly 200 visitors on the day who enjoyed refreshments, live music from Hut 27, a draw, and an auction of many of the 440 entries.

The committee thanked all its judges, stewards, and other helpers, as well as stall holders, Claire Rawle for being the auctioneer, Clive Raisey for his support and patience, and Gillie Lees for presenting the trophies.

A special thanks was paid to the team of volunteers who erected the marquee, tea tent, and gazebo.

Trophy winners:

Bicknoller Parishioners’ Cup - Lucy Croxton

Capewell Cup - Michele Sears

Challender Cup - Sarah Quantick Liddle

Challenge Cup - Lucy Croxton

Cilla’s Sweet Pea Trophy - Susan Rutt

Claude Fish Trowel - Derek Toze

Coleridge Trophy - Pam Wallace

Cottagers’ Cup - Lucy Croxton

Elma Trickett Craft Trophy - Pat Williams 

Floral Cup - Lucy Croxton

Flower Arrangement Trophy - Mary Cox

Halliday Award - Rosalinde Haw

Jack Waters Award - Derek Toze

Ladies Cup - Christine Chaplin

Leggetter Award - Marilyn Smith

Liddell-Grainger Trophy - Andrew M Harrison

Mary Maine Award - Sylvia Hole

Novice Cup - Sarah Quantick Liddle

Open Vegetable Cup - Lucy Croxton

Photographic Cup - Nigel Stock

President’s Shield - Catherine Greer

Produce Cup - Christine Chaplin

Rose Luttrell Cup - Christine Chaplin

Secretary’s Cup - Sarah Quantick Liddle

Thorncombe Cup - Mary Cox

Top Tasting Tomato Trophy - Kevin Liddle

Village Cup - Lucy Croxton

Wine Trophy - Sally Pryde

WI Challenge Shield - Bicknoller WI

Results in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, highly commended order:


101. Raspberry Jam - Rosalinde Haw, Mrs C Chaplin, Angela Harrison, Sarah Summers

102. Blackcurrant Jam – Michele Higgs, Kate Harrison, Lorraine Tilsley

103. Any other fruit jam – Mrs C Chaplin, Carolyne Stock, Michele Higgs

104. Fruit Jelly – Mrs C Chaplin, Claire Rawle, Sally Simpson

105. Seville marmalade - Lorraine Tilsley, Carolyne Stock, Mrs C Chaplin

106. Other Marmalade – Carolyne Stock, Mrs C Chaplin 3rd NA

107. Lemon curd – 1st NA, Carolyne Stock, Rosalinde Haw, Mrs C Chaplin

108. Chutney – Michele Higgs, Rosalinde Haw, Mrs C Chaplin

109. Collection of preserves – Rosalinde Haw, Mrs C Chaplin, Sarah Summers

Section I BAKING

110. Mary Berry’s Choc & Orange Cake – Sylvia Hole, Jenny Jenkins, Jane Coatsworth

112. 3 Cheese Scones – Caroline Witcher, Sarah Liddle, Rosalinde Haw

113. 5 flapjacks – Rosalinde Haw, Michele Higgs, Jenny Jenkins

114. 1 Treacle Tart – Mrs C Chaplin 

115. A cherry cake - Sally Pryde, Mrs C Chaplin, Mary Cox

116. Victoria Sponge –Men only class – A Harrison (2), A Harrison, Gary Sears

Section II FRUIT

203. Redcurrants – Graham Haw, Sally Simpson, Kevin Liddle

204. 20 Raspberries – Catherine Greer, Mary Cox, 

205. 10 Strawberries – 1st NA, Catherine Greer

206. Any other fruit – Sarah Quantick Liddle, Sally Simpson, Sally Pryde


207. 3 Carrots – Catherine Greer, Derek Toze, Sally Simpson

208. 3 Beetroot – Graham Haw, 2nd NA, Derek Toze

209. 5 Potatoes -white – Lucy Croxton, Sally Pryde, Derek Toze

210. 5 Potatoes –coloured – Derek Toze, Catherine Greer, Kevin Liddle

211. 5 Onion sets – Derek Toze, Sally Simpson, Catherine Greer

212. 3 Large onions – Sarah Quantick Liddle, Sally Simpson, Catherine Greer

213. 7 Shallots – Lucy Croxton, Derek Toze

214. 5 Tomatoes – Derek Toze, Sarah Quantick Liddle, Sally Simpson

215. 8 Cherry tomatoes – Derek Toze, Lucy Croxton, Sally Simpson

216. 2 cucumbers – Kevin Liddle, Derek Toze, Sarah Quantick Liddle

217. 3 Courgettes - Catherine Greer, Alison Turner, 

219. 8 Runner Beans – Derek Toze, Andrew Harrison (2), Kevin Liddle

220. 8 French beans – Graham Haw, Lorraine Tilsley, Marian Greswell

221. 8 Broad Beans – Mary Cox, Derek Toze

222. 8 Peas – Graham Haw, Sarah Summers, Derek Toze

224. Fresh herbs -8 kinds - Kevin Liddle, Linda Robertson, Claire Rawle

225. Vegetable - 3 outdoors - Derek Toze, Sarah Quantick Liddle, Chris Leigh

226. Vegetable - 3 indoors – Derek Toze

227. My kitchen garden - Lucy Croxton, Catherine Greer

228. Collection of Vegetables - Catherine Greer


301. 3 dahlias – Angela Harrison, Lucy Croxton, Mrs C Chaplin, HC Marian Greswell

302. 3 Sunflowers – Catherine Greer, Lucy Croxton, Claire Rawle

303. 1 stem lily – Lucy Croxton, Sheila Gell, Sarah Quantick Liddle

304. 3 gladioli – Sarah Quantick Liddle, Rosalinde Haw, Sally Simpson

305. 3 Antirrhinums – Sally Simpson, Claire Rawle, Linda Robertson

306. 3 Penstemons – Angela Harrison, Sally Simpson, Rosalinde Haw

307. Vase of cut garden flowers – Lucy Croxton, Mrs C Chaplin, Sally Morrison, HC Claire Rawle & Jenny Jenkins

308. 3 x 3 types herbaceous – Lucy Croxton, Kate Harrison, Sally Simpson, HC Pam Wallace

309. 1 agapanthus – Jane Coatesworth, Kevin Liddle, Sally Pryde

310. 9 sweet peas mixed – Susan Rutt, Kevin Liddle, Sarah Summers, HC Rose Cox

311. 7 sweet peas – Sarah Summers, Mrs C Chaplin

312. 3 stems roses – Peter Kirby, Sally Pryde, Jane Grellier, HC Sally Simpson

313. A scented rose – Mrs C Chaplin, Claire Rawle, Sarah Liddle

314. a specimen rose – Susan Rutt, Alison Turner, Claire Rawle

315. 3 stems carnations / pinks – Lucy Croxton, Sally Pryde, Sally Simpson

316. 3 stems flowering shrub – Alison Turner, Mrs C Chaplin, Sarah Summers

317. 3 Hydrangeas same variety – Marilyn Smith, 2nd NA, Peter Kirby, HC Lucy Croxton

318. 3 Hydrangeas mixed – Sally Simpson, Kevin Liddle

319. 6 Pansies or violas – Jane Coatsworth, Sarah Quantick Liddle, Lucy Croxton

320. 3 stems pelargoniums – Lucy Croxton, Jane Coatsworth, Linda Robertson


321. Flowering container max 12” – Sarah Summers, Sarah Quantick Liddle, Sally Simpson, HC Sally Morrison

322. Flowering pot plant max 10”– Linda Robertson, Sally Simpson, Lucy Croxton 

323. 1 pot grown foliage plant – Sarah Summers


401. Olympic celebration – Mary Cox, Catherine Greer, Mrs C Chaplin

402. Lovely leaves – Mary Cox, Sarah Liddle, Sally Simpson, HC Michele Sears

403. Mini magic – Michele Sears, Sally Pryde, Rose Cox, HC Alison Turner

404. A table centre - Sally Pryde, Sarah Liddle, Sally Simpson, HC Mary Cox


601. A toy – Jane Grellier, Catherine Greer

602. A stitched item – Samantha Hobbs, Caroline Witcher, Pat Williams, HC Lorraine Tilsley & Catherine Greer

603. A crocheted item – Kate Harrison, Jane Grellier, Caroline Witcher

604. Recycled object – Pat Williams, Caroline Witcher, Belinda Maitland

605. An item of jewellery – Caroline Witcher

606. Any other craft – Sarah Liddle, Caroline Witcher, Kate Harrison, HC Belinda Maitland

607. A picture – Pam Wallace, Matilda Andersen, Sophie Sears, HC Pauline Peyton


608. Humorous with caption – Caroline Witcher, Catherine Greer, Sally Pryde

609. What weather?! – Nigel Stock, Catherine Greer, Graham Haw

610. A gathering – Ian Anderson, Catherine Greer, Emily van Wyk

611. A pair of images – Then and now – Catherine Greer, Graham Haw, Sally Pryde 


701. Cider - Sarah Quantick Liddle

702. A country wine – Sarah Quantick Liddle

703. A home made liqueur – Sally Pryde, Nigel Stock, Catherine Greer


WI Challenge 2024

801. THE GOOD LIFE – Bicknoller, Alcombe, Minehead