VOLUNTEERS who want to help to preserve Exmoor’s natural habitat and keep fit at the same time are being encouraged to join an event on Friday (August 11).

Exmoor National Park Authority wants to clear part of the old auction field in Exford and needs people to help with scything the long grass.

The authority wants to make space for its ‘seed to sawmill’ being held next Thursday (August 17) and also wants to encourage wildflowers to thrive in future.

A spokesperson said Friday’s activity session would be a ‘perfect opportunity to exercise while helping to preserve our natural habitat’.

They said: “This is a chance to make a difference and meet new people in the process.

“No previous knowledge required, training given on the day.

“After a warm up session we plan to work in pairs, one scything and one raking, to remove nutrients and encourage wildflowers before swapping tasks.

“We are trying to clear a small area of the old auction field both to make space for the seed to sawmill event, but mainly to encourage wildflower growth in the future.

“We also hope to compost cuttings mixed with sawdust from our workshops to use in the tree nursery.

Friday's session runs from 10 am to 2 pm and anybody who wants to attend can book a place herehttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/exer-scything-day-in-exford-tickets-677690479467.

Anybody who books to attend is also asked to book their scythe size to ensure enough equipment is available on the day, or to take along their own.