TWO West Somerset community enterprises have benefited from a £350,000 round of awards by the Somerset Community Foundation (SCF).

A £50,000 grant was given through SCF’s social enterprise fund to Halse and District Community Benefit Society, which bought and kept open the village’s New Inn public house.

Stogumber Community Shop was conditionally offered a £20,000 loan and £10,000 grant to help fund the fitting out of its new premises.

It follows Stogumber residents raising £188,000 through a shares initiative to ensure their rural village continued to have access to a vital community shop.

Foundation senior programmes manager Amelia Thompson said: “We are really proud to have invested over £350,000 into community-owned shops and pubs since 2020.

“The resilience of these communities to come together and create socially run businesses in often very rural locations is brilliant.

“It is great to hear how some of these organisations are now able to invest the surplus income into other community ventures, too.

“These cherished community hubs are the heart and soul of their villages, many of which were on the brink of closure before their communities rallied together to preserve them.

“Their survival and success stand as a testament to the power of local determination and collaboration.”

Ms Thompson said any Somerset community looking to take on management of their pubs, shops, or businesses was encouraged to talk to the foundation.

More information can be found by visiting SCF’s website or emailing Ms Thompson at [email protected] or calling 01749 344949.