RESIDENTS in Stogumber have been rallying to help save the future of their village stores and Post Office by buying shares in the community benefit society which runs it.

The society launched a community share offer hoping to raise £350,000 to relocate the business to premises next door to it in High Street.

It wants to buy 4 High Street and move across to allow former shop owners Roger and Anne Howe to sell the existing premises without change of use planning permission difficulties.

Villagers took over the shop and Post Office as a community enterprise 14 months ago when Mr and Mrs Howes retired and were unable to sell it.

The society received funding from a small number of supporters and a grant from Stogumber village charity CRASH.

Trustees planned to apply for Government Levelling Up funds, but the General Election froze the process and they were left unsure whether the programme would be continued by the next administration.

Grant applications will be made to the National Lottery, Hinkley Point C owners EDF, and the Fairfield Charitable Trust, but they will take time and there was uncertainty over any amounts that might be approved.

In the meantime, the trustees said a decision would be needed during July on whether to proceed with the purchase of No 4.

A deadline of July 31 has been set for shares to be bought.

A spokesperson said: “When we had the initial village meeting last year, many people offered to support the financing of the shop.

“We did not need additional money at that time, but now we do.

“We are confident that our plans provide a sustainable model.”

Shares cost £1 and a minimum investment of £100 is required, while other amounts can be given by donation, and each shareholder becomes a society member with an equal vote in decision-making.

The appeal needs to raise at least £75,000 to move forward with match funding grant applications and if the plans are successful trustees expect the new premises to open by March next year.

Details of the share option are available online.