A WEST Somerset lunch group is running so short of volunteers that it is having to cut the number of mealtimes it offers each month.

Stogursey Lunches has been providing a free home cooked two-course meal every Tuesday lunchtime, but from October it will stop doing so on the first Tuesday of the month.

A spokesperson said: “The volunteer team does not have quite enough volunteers to continue to provide the lunches quite as often as we have done up to now.

“So, with regret, we will not be offering a lunch on the first Tuesday of every month, from October.

“Stogursey Lunches will continue as normal on the following Tuesdays of each month.

“We do hope our regular diners will continue to enjoy our meals, and also that new diners will come along to try them.

“More volunteers would be welcome to join the present team of cooks and helpers.”

The group serves meals in the village’s Jubilee Rooms, in Castle Street, at 12.30pm using as much local produce as possible and asks in return only for a donation.

During August, Stogursey Lunches provided free meals for children throughout the month.

Earlier in the summer a survey of villagers was carried out because fewer diners were attending the sessions.

The group wanted to know why people were not going along and if they had any ideas for the types of food and menus which would be popular.

Stogursey Lunches started in 2021 and originally served meals in the Church Rooms.