VILLAGERS on the Quantock Hills came together to produce a large knitted and sewn D-Day montage to mark this week’s 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

The display, on show throughout the summer in West Quantoxhead Village Hall, was co-ordinated by parish councillors.

It comprises Army, Navy, and RAF images, with parachutes, boats, aircraft, and the flags involved in the D-Day landings of June 6, 1944.

The majority of the items were hand-made by residents who sewed, knitted, coloured, and mounted them.

Parish Cllr Annabel Cottrell said: “Parish councillors and parishioners met once a week since October to create the display.

“Some parishioners created their craft at home and brought them in to add to the display.”

It was the first community project since villagers created a flower cascade for the Queen’s Jubilee in 2022.

A beacon was also being lit on Staple Plain on Thursday (June 6) at 9.15 pm.