NATIONALLY-known insect photographer Penny Metal is returning to Wootton Courtenay at the weekend to lead a bug hunt and nature trail.

Ms Metal visited the Exmoor village in May to talk to residents about encouraging more insects and wildlife into their gardens.

Now, she is making a return visit on Saturday and Sunday (September 14 and 15), accompanied by Sally Lister.

The events will start at 10am on both days and will begin with the unveiling of a moth watch.

Ms Metal, who is author of the book ‘Insectinside’ and a BBC Springwatch contributor, has lived in Peckham, London, for more than 30 years.

She began photographing insects in 2011 in Warwick Gardens, a small park near her home, during her breaks from work as a graphic designer.

From there, she developed an ongoing survey of the invertebrates to be found in the park and has become a renowned personality.