A WEEK of superb weather heralded the Minehead and West Somerset Golf Club Seniors’ competitions.

On Monday the Seniors took part in a three ball betterball competition where only one score was required on the par 3s, two scores counted on all of the par 4s while all three were to count on the par 5s on the course.

At the end of the competition the top eight teams were only separated by three points in what transpired to be a very closely fought contest.

The winners were Bob Arthington, John Perkins and Dave Oatridge with a nett 75. Second place with 74 went to Graham Smith, Dave Ball and Tony Connolly, just ahead of Roger Read, Malcolm Bruce and Edward Frewin who claimed third place with 73.

On Friday the Minehead Seniors played a Bogie competition, an individual qualifier which attracted a full entry and the scoring was excellent with almost half the field beating par.

The result was a three-way tie at the top on +4, but after count back Trevor Stephens took the honours, edging in front of Mike Kelly who finished second while Phil Arbourne claimed third place.