MARK Woolliscroft won Oake Manor Golf Club's Sunday Stableford Competition with 39 points.

Neil Blackmore was second in division 1 with 38 points and Steve Davies came third, also with 38 points. Dave Dennett won division 2 scoring 38 points, Nick Putt came second with 37 points while Martin Thorne was third with 36 points.

The Seniors Section played a Stableford Competition on Monday with 3 clubs and a putter over 14 holes. Tony Fulker won division 1 with 28 points, on countback from Edward Winter while Mike Eastmond was third with 27 points. Kenneth Pitcher won division 2 scoring 30 points while Robert Davies came second with 28 points and Meredith Collins was third with 27 points.

Ladies Vice Captain Daphne Priddy won the Ladies Tuesday Stableford scoring 38 points in division one, Karen Grabham came second with 36 points while Rosemary Webber was third with 35 points. Ros Shepherd won division 2 with 37 points Karen Potter came second also with 37 points while Mary Beakes was third with 36 points.

In the Wednesday Midweek Stableford, the first four players all scored 38 points but on countback Michael Lane came first, Kevin Ward second and Jamie Tong third.