A GOVERNMENT-ordered merger of failing Beacon Education Trust, which runs 10 schools and nurseries in West Somerset, has been postponed with no new date given for it.

The news comes as a new report by Ofsted education inspectors was released showing more work was required to improve the trust’s failing Minehead Middle School.

Ofsted branded the middle school ‘inadequate’ in January last year, since when inspectors have twice carried out monitoring visits.

Ofsted inspector Matthew Barnes told the headteacher Laura Mackie: “Leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to be no longer judged as having serious weaknesses.

“However, due to a legacy of weakness and high turnover in key positions, the community’s trust in the school remains fragile.”

Mr Barnes praised Ms Mackie’s efforts in ensuring the right staff were in the right positions to bring about sustained improvement, with nine new recruits.

He said: “As a result, for the first time in three years, the school looks likely to be fully staffed in September.”

The Department for Education (DfE) had earlier identified ‘serious weakness’ in some of Beacon’s schools and served ‘termination warning notices’ on two of them.

It then ‘encouraged’ Beacon to merge with the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (BWMAT) by September 1, a few days before the new school year was due to start.

However, Beacon trustees chairman Andy Giles said the target date was unlikely to be met.

Mr Giles said in a letter to parents: “The transfer of Beacon schools to BWMAT is now likely to take longer than originally expected.

“Beacon, BWMAT, the Diocese of Bath and Wells, and the Department for Education will continue to work together closely to ensure that all academies in the trust are supported during this interim period.”

Mr Giles said the trustees were ‘working hard to formalise matters, keeping children and community at the forefront of our minds’.

BWMAT chief executive Nikki Edwards, who has been visiting Beacon weekly to offer support, said the merger was an ‘exciting opportunity’.

Ms Edwards told West Somerset parents: “BWMAT is a strong trust with exceptional expertise in school improvement and leadership.

“My leadership team and I are extremely enthusiastic and optimistic about the future of Beacon schools.

“We look forward to collaborating with Beacon’s teams to bring outstanding educational opportunities for all the children the trust serves.”

Ms Edwards said BWMAT was ‘actively working’ with DfE ‘to secure significant capital investment to support educational improvements and enhance the offerings for the children in the trust’.

A BWMAT spokesperson told the Free Press a key reasons for the merger delay was a pause in normal Parliamentary working because of the General Election.

The spokesperson said: “We have advised staff, parents, and carers of the delay and assured them of our commitment to keep them advised of developments.

“In the interim, the Beacon Trust, BWMAT, and the DfE are continuing to work together closely and all remain focused on the needs of the children and the wider school community.”