AN annual garden party to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support returns this year to Bicknoller a week later than usual.

The fete in Old Orchard, Trendle Lane, was put back to August 31 because the West Somerset Brass Band will be in Brittany on the traditional bank holiday date and it was felt it would not be the same without them.

The band has regularly played at the garden party, which since 1990 has been held every year bar two, one absence due to the Covid pandemic and one because of bad weather.

Over the years the fete has raised more than £83,000 for the charity.

Organiser Maggie Pumphrey said: “What started as a small ‘one off’ event grew each year and it has become, for many people, the highlight of their summer activities.

“The fete has followed its traditional pattern with music played by West Somerset Brass, a wonderful variety of cakes on the tea stall, and a grand draw.

“The games are very original, created by the late Bill Pumphrey over the years, and include something for all ages from two to 92.

“At £3 entry, £1 for children, our prices have not changed over the years and our teas and goods for sale are really good value for money.”

It opens at 2.15 pm and visitors can park at or near the village hall, where toilets will be available as they will in Old Orchard, and anybody with mobility issues can be dropped off at the fete.