NEW Year celebrations in Butlin’s Minehead holiday resort will last 30 minutes longer after Somerset Council relaxed planning conditions.

The resort’s Studio 36 theatre and conference centre, originally built as a temporary venue in 2021 to help Butlin’s recover from the Covid pandemic, was made permanent in February.

But planners imposed a condition it could only open daily 10 am to 11 pm and until 12.30 am for New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Now, Butlin’s has been granted a half-hour extension of opening hours until 1 am on New Year’s Day each year.

Planning officer Helen Addison said the extra 30 minutes had twice previously been approved on a one-off basis.

Ms Addison said it was a relatively minor change and would have only a ‘negligible impact’ on nearby homes because it was for just one night of the year.

However, an objection was made in a letter signed by four residents of nearby Warren Road, who were concerned they were already exposed to noise from Studio 36 for 13 hours a day.

They said: “We have raised the same issues over the years, we know from experience that the sound monitoring that is provided is ineffective partially because it is carried out at irrelevant times.

“We also know that responding to the information we are given is pointless as Butlin’s are very adept at getting their own way regardless of issues raised by us or any other local people who may be suffering as a result of their selfish, disregard toward the community.”