AN archive of images of village life past and present is being compiled by members of Stogursey Arts Photographic Society (SAPS) and will be exhibited later in the year.

The society wants to capture individuals and groups within the village to create a photographic record which will provide ‘a snapshot of our community’s essence’.

It is currently building a website to host the archive and will also put on an exhibition in the village’s Jubilee Rooms during Stogursey Arts Festival week, which runs from September 21 to 29.

SAPS member Colin Pye said historical village life photographs were popular with attendees of Stogursey’s Christmas tree festival last December.

Mr Pye said: “Now, we aim to build a digital archive on a dedicated website, juxtaposing past and present images for comparison and reflection.”

He said if anybody had old photographs tucked away of the village/village life, then the society would be happy to scan them for inclusion in the project.

Or, anybody who would like to try their hand at photography could have their portraits of individuals or groups added to it.

New members were also welcome to join the society and ‘make art, memories, and connections together’.

Fellow SAPS member Andy Baker said: “As part of that project, we have started reaching out to local groups and individuals to see if we can capture some images as they go about their activities.”

Bell ringers who meet regularly at St Andrew’s Church were the first to agree to take part and Mr Baker went along to take photographs during a practice session.

Mr Baker said: “I would like to say a big thank you to the bell ringers for being the first to volunteer to be subjects for our project and for making me welcome.

“We would also love to hear from you if you are involved in traditional crafts or trades, whether as a hobby or a profession.”

He said anybody who would like to take part in the SAPS project or knew of a group which was happy to be photographed for it, should email to [email protected].