ENVIRONMENTAL group Sustainable Wootton Courtenay (SWC) is encouraging villagers to go through their cupboards and drawers to look out pieces of clothing, shoes, and accessories for an upcoming sale which will raise funds to invest in future activities.

The group is holding a pre-loved clothing sale on Saturday, October 26, in the village hall from 2pm to 4pm, when there will also be a cafe operating throughout the afternoon.

SWC wants items which are ‘far too good quality to add to the local jumble sale’ which can be dropped off to the hall on the morning of the sale.

Sellers will set the price for their clothes and accessories and collect any proceeds at the end of the afternoon as well as any items which did not sell.

SWC will take any items which are not collected to local charity shops.

An SWC spokesperson said: “We have become a throw-away society.

“Instead of buying new, there are increasing numbers of very good second hand shops or places online to find wonderful quality bargains.

“We all have pieces of loved clothing that maybe do not fit any more or have very special memories.

“Instead of them never seeing the light of day again, maybe the time has come for somebody else to enjoy them rather than sending them to landfill for a very sad and sorry ending.”

More details of the SWC sale for buyers and sellers will be on Wootton Courtenay’s village website in early October.