ALLSORTS maintained their 100% start to the season in the Premier Division of the Watchet Skittles League with a 31 pin home win against Q C Guys, for which Shane Coxhead top scored for the third week, hitting 124 while Tim Short hit 123 for the Guys.

A score of 114 by Barrie Jones for Bell All Stars led them to a 54 pin away victory over Castaways for whom Lewis Penfold scored 105. A knock of 124 from Jacks Anthony Cornish saw then record a 49 pin away win against Phoenix Knights, Eben Harding top for the hosts with 114, and 116 from Three Ferrets’ Simon Baker helped secure a 64 pin success against Rebels whose Mark Whitemore scored 92.

At the White Horse Stogumber scores of 99 from the home side’s Jos Bennett and Bottoms Up Brandon Walsh saw the visitors to a 40 pin away victory.

In Division A, Has Beens’ Mark Clausen hit 93 as they slipped to a 35 pin away defeat to Railway Steamers who had Callum Tarr scoring 99 while 107 from Barn Owls’ George Pike saw them to a 52 pin home win over Combwich Otters Jason Proctor hitting 101.

Williton Club secured their first points of the season after a score of 108 from both Brian Bellamy and Alan Bland led them to a respectable home score of 597, winning by 70 pins against the Outsiders whose Adrian Roberts hit 96.

In Division B, Wyndham Pinheads’ Sam Towells now holds the highest away score after scoring 134 in the 56 pin away win over Badgers, Adam Holness hitting 107 for the hosts. Tony Megit knocked 95 for Wyndham Warriors in their 57 pin away success over Haddon Hillbillies whose Ian Rottenbury scored 95 and 95 from Dizzy’s Boys’ John Jones helped them defeat Footy Fockers by 41 pins, Gavin Badger hitting 91.   

Results - Premier Division: Rebels 522 (Mark Whitemore 92), Three Ferrets 586 (Simon Baker 116); Castaways 548 (Lewis Penfold 105), Bell All Stars 602 (Barrie Jones 114); White Horse Stallions 530 (Jos Bennett 99), Bottoms UP 570 (Brandon Walsh 99); Phoenix Knights 614 (EbenHarding 114), Jack 663 (Anothony Cornish 124); Allsorts 664 (Shane Coxhead 124), QC Guys 633 (Tim Short 123). Division A: Williton Club 597 )Brian Bellamy, Alan Bland 108), Outsiders 527 (Adrian Roberts 96); Railway Steamers 545 (Callum Carr 99), Has Beens 510 (Mark Clausen 93); Barn Owls 553 (George Pike 107), Combwich Otters 501 (Jason Proctor 101 Division B: Haddon Hillbillies 526 (Ian Rottenbury 95), W’ham Warriors 583 (Tony Merit 95); Badgers 589 (Adam Holness 107), Wyndham Pinheads 645 (Sam Towells 134); Legion Specials 512 (Tony Chambers 92), Quantock Stags 532 (Nigel Thomas 100: Dizzys Boys 533 (John Jones 95), Footy Fockers 492 (Gavin Badger 91).