DURING the recent February half term, many local children have enjoyed taking part in three different sporting activities organised and run by Number 1 West Somerset.
Working in partnership with the National Trust, more than 45 families accessed a gorgeous orienteering route at Dunster Castle Gardens and Grounds.
Almost 60 children attended specialist gymnastics Bars and Beams Workshops that were sponsored by SASP and HHH.
Working in conjunction with Minehead Cricket Club, ten young softball cricketers up to age nine were treated to All Stars Cricket Sessions at Dunster School.
As a follow up to this activity All Stars sessions will start shortly at Minehead Cricket Club, details of which can be obtained by logging onto www.ecb.co.uk/play/all-stars
The provision of these activities either free or at minimum cost was possible thanks to the funding provided by SASP - HHH,
SCC Grant supporting Physical Activity and Warm Spaces for Children in West Somerset, Tesco Tokens Groundwork Funding, Minehead Cricket Club, Holiday Provision Juniors and The Household Support Fund Help Through Winter.
Most of the activities included a lunch that was provided by Dunster First School Kitchen.
The half-term activities have been very well received and after taking part in the orienteering route at Dunster Castle, one parent contacted Suzanne and said: “The scenery around the Castle was magnificent and we all really enjoyed it. The children thought that the natural playground was really cool.”
One of the children involved with the orienteering said: “We had a great morning together and had fun exploring and finding all the markers on the trail.”
Another said: “It was fun following the map and spending time together and I just loved the scenery.”
Asked to explain their feelings at the end of the orienteering, one of the children said: “Afterwards I was aching but I felt joyful and was really happy!”
One of the youngsters who attended the Bars and Beams session said: “I loved the gymnastics; it was so much fun, Now I want to become a gymnast!”
Many thanks must go to Dunster First School and Minehead First School for allowing the use of their school buildings.
Suzanne Richards from Number 1 West Somerset said: “These activities were very well received and enjoyed by everyone who took part.
“You can tell by the comments made by both the children and the parents involved just how much they enjoyed themselves. From our point of view all three activities went well. It was hard work but seeing everyone enjoying themselves so much makes it all worthwhile.”
Suzanne went on : “The sessions also provided a valuable opportunity for our apprentice Morgan Cooper to see what we do and how important it is to the children and families in West Somerset. She gains valuable experience and knowledge on these days.”
She added: “None of this would have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors to who we are truly grateful and who would have known how much it was appreciated by the looks on the children’s faces.”
To find out more about Number 1 West Somerset log onto their facebook page-
Number 1 Gymnastic Club runs on a Tuesday and Wednesday night in Minehead. For further details Contact Emma on [email protected]