MINEHEAD Lawn Tennis Club held their annual finals day last Sunday in slightly unsettled weather, with good support from spectators and competitors.

The early stages of the knockout competitions had been held over several months, and first on court were the men’s singles finalist - the club’s head coach Aaron Flamson and evergreen veteran and multi-champion Terry Griggs.

Terry’s consistency and court coverage posed quite a few problems for Aaron, who had to work hard for his 6-2, 6-3 win.

In the men’s doubles. Aaron teamed up with Steve Hunt to play Gerry Hull and Paul Rees, and the younger pairing of Aaron and Steve quickly established their superiority after several long deuce games to take the first set 6-0.

Gerry and Paul regrouped and put up a better performance in a much closer second set before losing the match 6-0, 6-4.

The Dot Redd Trophy, a mixed doubles competition for fourth and fifth team and non-league players, pitted Liz Boxer and Brian Cook against Julie Burke and Rick Boxer.

All four are relative newcomers to tennis and graduates of the club’s Rusty Rackets Academy.

A close match saw Liz and Brian win 6-2, 7-5 after two close sets, with Julie and Rick unlucky not to push the second set to a tie break and a possible third set.

The ladies’ doubles final saw last year’s losing finalists Judy Kay and Lauren Plant again team up to play the new pairing of Jane Thicknesse and Alison Mothersdale.

The outcome was a relatively straightforward 6-0, 6-1 win for Lauren and Judy, with Jane and Alison unable to match their harder hitting and more consistent play.

The day’s final event was the mixed doubles, with last year’s champions Katherine Tilke and Mason See playing Ginny Dundas and Aaron Flamson - Aaron’s third final of the day.

Katherine and Mason used their superior fitness and agility to good effect and were able to sustain some long, close rallies which tipped the match in their favour.

After a short rain break when play had to be suspended, they ran out 6-2, 6-1 winners.

There were no entries for the ladies’ singles.

Trophies were presented by club president Barbara Whymark, and the chairman thanked all who attended and supported the day plus those who contributed towards the food and drink.

Souvenir trophies will be presented at the club’s annual dinner on Friday November 20 at the Castle Hotel in Dunster.

Pictured are all the competitors who took part in finals day.