OAKE Manor Golf Club Seniors braved the rain on Monday to play in a Stableford Competition for the Roger Clarke Trophy. Christopher Mann won the trophy scoring 39 points and he also topped Division 2.

Dave Free came second in the division with 35 points while Nigel Haigh was third with 34 points. Bob Trott won Division 1 on a tally of 37 points, ahead of Edward Winter (36 points) and Colin Warnes (34 points).

On Tuesday, the Ladies played a Bogey Competition match-play against the course. Angela Warnes was the overall winner being +3, three holes up and top of Division 1. Mary Beakes came second on zero, all square and Pam Akers was third on -3. Jenny Swann won Division 2 on zero while Judy Phripp came second on -3 and Suzie Pitt was third, also at -3.

In Wednesday’s Midweek Stableford Competition, Daniel White won Division 1 with 40 points, the best score of the day.

The next four players all scored 38 points but on count back, Andy Avis came second and John Wall was third. Jonny Cole won Division 2 scoring 39 points, the same as second-placed Richard Taylor whilst Sam Prior came third on 38.