MINEHEAD & West Somerset Golf Club is now ranked by ‘Today’s Golfer‘ within the top 25 golf courses throughout GB and one to play at £40 or under. 

On Friday Minehead Seniors played for the Barrett and the Bryant Cups, both a Stableford format, with the Bryant Cup running concurrently specifically for members of 80 years or more. 

Pete Heddercott. who turned 80 years young only two days previously, took the course apart with an excellent 45 points. The runner up with 40 points was Tony Connolly, while in third place with 39 points was yet another octogenarian, Graham Stone, who also claimed the runner up spot in the Bryant Cup. 

The winners of the 666 Stroke Index competition with nett 73 were Dave Ball, Graham Troman and Bob Arthington. In second place with 70 were Steve Waterman, John Burrow and Malcolm Bruce, while third position was claimed by Graham Smith, Graham Stone and Edward Frewin with 69.

On Wednesday, the Seniors played a Bogey competition. The winner, and only player to post a positive score below par, was Graham Smith with +3, an excellent effort reflecting his current form. Several players came in with a -1 score, although on countback, Tim Evans took second position with Sandy Lyons coming third.